In which I encounter four splendid ladies on my way to Cotswold Way

As mentioned previously, I’m preparing for the 102-mile Cotswold Way trek in England beginning the end of May. And to get into fighting trim I’m practicing on some of the best trails in and around GNV.

Previously, I’ve taken on Sweetwater Preserve, San Felasco Hammock, and Barr Hammock. Today I set my foot upon the Prairie Creek Preserve. And what I found was as much a nostalgic walk back in time as yet another step in the direction of Cotswold Way.

Credit the Alachua Conservation Trust for naming Prairie Creek Preserve trails after four splendid ladies. Basically women who were local pioneers in land conservation, environmentalism, civic leadership and political activism.

They are no longer with us, sadly. But I knew, wrote about and respected each of them. And it was an honor to have their memories to keep me company on today’s four-plus mile wade…um…I mean hike.

Jane Walker was the first women elected to the Alachua County Commission and Suwannee River Coordinator for the Florida Defenders of the Environment.

Susan Wright was a good-government advocate who was known for her incisive voter guides to local elections.

Kathy Cantwell was an active in Alachua Conservation Trust, Putnam Land Conservancy and the Suwannee-St. Johns Sierra Club.

And Julia Reiskind was a leader of the Alachua County League of Women Voters.

Splendid women each and every one.

I ought to note that hiking this preserve involves stretches of piney woods, palmetto scrubs, low sand hills…and wetlands…

…lots and lots of wetlands…

…just about everywhere you turn.

Indeed, calling the Prairie Creek Preserve wet doesn’t begin to suffice.

Let’s just say that one must bigly “endeavor to persevere” (to quote the old chief in The Outlaw Josey Wales)…

…and wear really good, waterproof boots…

…if one hopes to negotiate trails that frequently double as sponges.

But I’m here to tell you that this walk is worth the wading.

Because Prairie Creek Preserve is an amazingly beautiful hike.

Kudos to ACT for preserving this rare slice of Eden.

Until the next trail, here’s looking at you kid.

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