No brain, no heart, no soul

In his latest round of budget cuts The Great DeSanitizer has demonstrated that he is capable of playing three Wizard of Oz characters at once.

No brain, no heart…and no soul.

How much brain power does it take to veto $205 million in water infrastructure projects in a state that is rapidly losing the battle against rising seas and ever more intense weather events?

As the Miami Herald noted: The vetoes came as a tropical system was dumping what would be close to 2 feet of rain in northern Miami-Dade and the Hollywood area. Rains were heavy enough that streets flooded across Miami-Dade, including spots in Virginia Gardens on tap to get drainage improvements from the new state funds.

But never fear: All that flooding caused our Anti-Ron to leap into action and declare…wait for it!…a state of emergency.

In his defense, TGD likely thinks spending money to keep Florida streets and neighborhoods from flooding would just play into the hands of “radical green zealots.”

Smart, Ron, very smart.

And speaking of heartless.

How little compassion does it take to cut $6.4 million to fund a state program to provide free tampons and pads in schools?

The Legislature created the program after being shown that one in four students missed classes because of their periods.

I’m confident most women can relate to their period starting unexpectedly and at the most inconvenient time and location,” said Rep. Kelly Skidmore, D-Boca Raton, who sponsored the legislation.

Again in his defense, in announcing his vetoes the Anti-Ron did say that “some of the stuff I don’t think was appropriate for state tax dollars.”

So there’s that.

And finally there was The Great DeSanitizer’s most soul-less veto: Cutting $32 million in grants for the arts and culture.

Reports The state’s own analysis says nonprofit arts and culture organizations generate $2.9 billion in economic activity in Florida. They also create thousands of jobs. The loss of state dollars could threaten the futures of some theaters, museums and county cultural groups. The veto makes little sense to critics.

At least this veto is entirely understandable given our hero’s ongoing crusade to make his Free State Of Florida the place where “woke goes to die.”

Everybody knows that the arts are the last refuge of the woke.

Think about it: When’s the last time you saw a black velvet Elvis hanging in the Harn?

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