Hey, what happened to all the acorns?

I’m just gonna say this up front. And let Bud, Walt, Bob, Warren, Bruce, Bruce etc., say what they want.

I got lost today.

Hopelessly lost.

How lost was I?

Let’s just say I ended up walking north when I was supposed to be walking south.

And it turns out that north and south are in opposite directions.

Who knew?

Listen, I have no excuse, save that the Cotswold Way folks apparently ran out of acorns. And I have been faithfully following the acorn-marked directional signs for the past FIVE DAYS!

Plus, in my defense, I am a stranger in a strange land.

Suffice it to say that I was supposed to do a 13.5 death march from King’s Stanley to Wotton-under-Edge (don’t ask).

But shortly after departing King’s Stanley I met a horse. And the horse seemed to say: No worries mate (in horse lingo).

And I believed him. God help me.

Everything was fine until Nymphysfield Long Barrow,

Where I saw exactly one acorn (CW directional symbol) pointing vaguely in the direction of the far horizon,

Which would have been fine. Except that, after that acorn, the foot-worn trails seemed to branch out in a thousand different directions.

Long story short.

After many false starts, much backtracking and multiple mixed signals, I eventually found myself on a delightful footpath following a picturesque canal that seemed to go on forever.

So I went on forever with it. Because it seemed like the right thing to do.

And everything seemed to be perfect.

Until I came to a bridge, crossed it, and, to my surprise, discovered that I had arrived at a fancy prep school that I distinctly remember passing the day before.

Which is when I had to admit that north is north and south is south and if ever the twain meets…I am clearly headed in the wrong direction.

Mea culpa Shining Rock orienteers.

I eventually stumbled upon an otherworldly cafe staffed by goths catering to folks who are still mourning the death of Queen Liz.

Where I had a nosh and a quaff. And collected myself.

After which I swallowed my pride and summoned Uber to whisk me away to Wooten-under-Edge (don’t ask).

Which turned out to be a my kind of town.

Listen, I can’t wait to see where tomorrow takes me.

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