Cotswold does not believe in switchbacks

I just wanted to get that off my chest (or rather off my knees) before I get on with the rest of my life.

In which I begin to loosen up.

my stats for today (my knees insisted).

Very early in our trek on day deuce we came upon a very large, very purple, tree surrounded by very large, very green trees. Bewitched? Cursed? I just report. You decide.

Any country that starts its own religion because its king couldn’t get a divorce is aces with me. I’m just surprised they didn’t name it the Church Of Reno.

I get it that we were supposed to beware of the bull. What I don’t get is why we’re not supposed to tip the woodland help.

Today we were obliged to share the trail with a number of very large mammals. Including a large several shotgun brandishing blokes who waited patiently for us to get out of their field of fire so they could continue to blast away clay disks to smithereens.

We met a woman named Grace who took great pleasure in introducing us to her English garden. Then she told us that an unseasonably wet and cold May had caused much damage.

I shared that an unseasonably hot May in GNV was cooking our flowers. She replied, “I hope they do something about this for the sake of our grandchildren.”

Did I mention that we’re walking the Cotswold Way?

Fun story of the day.

A guy named Kenelm, the son of a king, was murdered at the contrivance of his ambitious sister (siblings, right?) Shortly thereafter religious pilgrims began to flock to Kenelm’s village looking for miracles.

Two things:

I took no pictures while walking through Kenelm’s village of Winchcombe because I saw no miracles.

And it must have sucked to be Kenelm.

This is an ancient burial site. I only bring it up is because it lets me tell a favorite dad joke: People were dying to get in there.

Seriously, folks. This was a 14 plus mile hike over hill and dale and we were bushed. But the trail kept going on and on.

We saw some chaps playing something called cricket. How odd.

We passed the only Motel 8 in Cotswold.

We saw a really cool fountain in the woods. I wanted to toss some coins in it but – and I am not making this up – it was protected by an electric fence.

More tomorrow when I’ve lightened up.

Oh yeah. The sun also sets over Cotswold. How Hemingway is that?.

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