Hey, vinyl really is back!

Like I told you before friends and neighbors.

I am forever meandering about GNV on my bicycle looking for new and interesting Freegnv.com visuals with which to astound and amaze you.

Or at least cause you to suspect that I have no life.

Anyway, on my Sunday meander, I stumbled upon a whole fence full of retro records.

And when I say retro, I ain’t kiddin’. Tiny Bubbles! Ho! Ho! Ho!

Legend has it that this LP was the inspiration for Mick and the Stones to jump into Jumpin’ Jack Flash. And if not, then it’s a damned shame.

As a matter of, um, record, i stumbled upon this cache of classics tacked to a section of fence in First Mag’s beer garden. But apparently I was late for the retro show.

Listen, I’d heard that vinyl was back in a big way. But I had no idea.

His master’s voice.

1 Comment

  1. I went to a bunch of Don Ho shows/performances in beachside Honolulu night club. 1962-67 while going to Grad School U. Hawaii. He was very popular with locals and their buds. I got the impression Don didn’t much care if haoles (white people from Califrisco) came to see his shows. His Jokes often had slurs against white haoles. This group (da kine) usually didn’t do anything physical. They left that for the locals to beat up haoles on the street after midnight. 2 Hawaiians tried to kill me during my visit (I hit one with my surfboard near shore at Makaha). Another 2 chemist grad school buddies of mine got beat to hell on the beach if they did smart mouth on the beach to locals. One was just beaten unconscious. the other was a survivor of Hitler’s long grey train that went all over Europe. He was the train’s radio operator, captured by Canadians and shipped to Canada. After the war (he was Prussian) he figured going back to the Russian border, he got a PhD in organic chemistry at U. Hawaii. He was then working for the US Army, evaluating ancient WWII artillery shells for approval of shipping them to VietNam. Anyway- He loved to drink beer on Sundays Queen’s Surf a bar on the beach near Diamond Head where students emptied many large bottles of beer. Unfortunately, wobbling home he smarted off to some locals late one afternoon, whereupon he was beaten unconscious and thrown in the AlaWai canal.

    Dave Carlson dacarls@gmail.com

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