Certified, not certifiable

My legions of faithful fans – and they are tremendous people, really tremendous – know fully well that I am the soul of modesty.

And that I (the tremendous The Ronald) am not given to braggadocio.

But is it really bragging if it’s the tremendous truth?

As opposed to the man whose photo appears next to “tremendously delusional” in Freud’s landmark work: Everything You Need To Know In Order To Tell If Someone Is As Crazy As A Bedbug.”

And it is a tremendous work, really tremendous.

The unvarnished truth is that yours truly has been duly certified an “Experience Leader” by Authory, the official archive of this tremendous man’s vast and incisive (tremendous, really) body of work.

It’s a really tremendous certification.

Moreover, this is yours truly’s second, sequential, tremendous Authory certification.

Following on the heels of being certified a Human Writer.

By virtue of, oh, I dunno, having a tremendous pulse or something or other.

All of which compels me to ask, in my celebrated, really tremendous modesty:

Who more tremendously serves you, America?

The tremendously certified The Ronald?

Or the bed bug-certifiable The Donald?

You be the judge, America.

Because I trust you.


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