The shortest day

What to say about day 8 on the Cotswold Way?

It was blustery and cold (take that Florida) with what Jenny called a “punishing” wind.”

It was by far our shortest walk. Just over 7 miles, or less than half of yesterday’s death march.

And it was the day before our last triumphant walk on the CW.

Today also marked a sea change in the topography we’ve become accustomed to this past week.

Gone are the awesome heights, lung-gasping ascents and knee-destroying descents that we had become so painfully used to.

Now we were walking mostly through flat farmlands. Which is not to say that we did not occasionally run across signs of, um, intelligent life.

Then we came to Dodington Park, which was (and I am not making this up) designed by Capability Brown in the 1760s.

According to the CW guide book, Dodington Park is now owned by a “vacuum cleaner magnet” who employs security guards and cameras to protect us vulnerable CW walkers.

Said magnet is doing this for my “own personal safety.” Lest rampaging vandals overrun me whilst trying to steal the lordship’s sheep.

Needless to say I felt safe and secure. And under surveillance.

Whilst on our bucolic walk we stumbled upon this rarely witnessed scene of machines on their traditional migratory path.

And then, even more astoundingly, we discovered the legendary machine graveyard.

This is the hamlet of Major’s Retreat. And I don’t have to tell you what happened there. Suffice it to say that it involved a major and a, um, retreat.

At first I assumed we had come across a vast field of oats.

Then I remembered that we were in England.

And I realized it was a vast field of porridge. My bad.

Our inn for the night has a shrine to Henry The VIII, who I already mentioned started his own religion so he could get a divorce.

Reno having not yet been invented.

Oh yeah, back home in Florida this place couldn’t get insured unless it put on a new roof.

Tomorrow: Our triumphant procession into Bath. I will be sorely disappointed if our inn for the night only has showers.

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